
(step2CK) Daytime Frequency of Urination
운영자 / 2005-09-16 11:48:30
  • 하루에 오줌을 자주 싸는 꼬마애가 있는데 그 증상이외에는 다른 이상이 없다.(fever,dysuria도 없다) 하루에 음료수를 자주 마시는 편이며,Glucose level도 정상이고, urine culture 시 균수가 50000. 그리고 요당도 정상이다.(no blood,no discharge) 적절한 처치는?

    Usually >5 WBCs per high-power field (HPF).
    Bacteriuria. Two organisms per HPF by microscopy; 105 organisms per milliliter on culture has classically been considered as a UTI. However, 102 organisms/ml(a single catheterized specimen). is more predictive of symptoms of a UTI.

    Daytime Frequency of Urination
    What is frequency of urination during the day?
    Daytime frequency of urination occurs most often when a child is 4 to 5 years old. You will notice that:
    • Your child suddenly starts urinating every 10 to 30 minutes and as often as 30 to 40 times a day.
    • Your child passes small amounts of urine each time.
    • Your child has no pain with urination.
    • Your child does not wet himself during the day.
    • Your child does not drink excessive amounts of fluids.
    • Your child has been toilet trained.
    • The urinary frequency is not a problem during sleep.
    What is the cause?
    Frequent urination usually reflects emotional tension. It means your child is under pressure. The symptom is involuntary, not deliberate. The urinary frequency usually begins within 1 or 2 days of a stressful event. You can make the problem worse by worrying about disease. Punishment, criticism, or teasing also worsens the symptom.
    Although physical causes are rare, your child should be examined by a physician. The only test that is usually needed is a check of the urine. No special x-rays are needed.
    How long will it last?
    Overall, this is a harmless condition that eventually goes away by itself. If you can identify and deal with whatever is stressing your child, his frequent urination will disappear in 1 to 4 weeks. Without treatment, the symptom usually gets better on its own in 2 or 3 months.
    A few children who also have small bladders and problems with bedwetting may have this symptom more than once.
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