
(step2CK) 벌을 물렸을때의 처치(3문제)
운영자 / 2005-09-16 12:00:24
  • 6세 여아 밖에 놀다가 벌에 물려 hypotension. Tachycarida. Wheezing.
    다음에 이런 일을 방지하는데 가장 적절한 것은?

    Epi set 가지고 다닌다….

    Medical Alert Bracelet should be worn
    Strict avoidance of allergen
    Epinephrine Home Injectable Devices (e.g. EpiPen)
    Consider Skin Testing and Desensitization therapy

    People who have a history of allergy to insect bites/stings should be instructed to carry (and use) an emergency kit consisting of injectable epinephrine and chewable antihistamine. They should also wear a Medic-Alert or similar bracelet/necklace stating their allergy.

    you will need an epinephrine (adrenaline) injection to help stop the reaction. You must then immediately go to the nearest emergency room or hospital for treatment. Epinephrine buys you little time until they can get professional help.Most Anaphylactic Reactions can be prevented by curing allergies, by increasing liver health and bowel health.If you are severely allergic, carry a supply of epinephrine (adrenaline), available via prescription as an EpiPen® or AnaKit®, at all times. Cleanse your liver every 7 days!!Keep epinephrine in several places where you are often.People should teach themselves, and other family members how to use the epinephrine kit. Practice until the directions for its use are second nature. Wear a Medic Alert® bracelet or necklace noting your allergy in case you become unconscious during a severe reaction.

    벌에 물렸다고 안나옴.30 male landscaper ? 처음로 취직해서 정원을 가꾸던중 shock 으로 발견됨Larygeal edema 가 있다.(Anaphylaxis).호흡 곤란을 호소하고 있는 상태이며,내원시 혈압이 70/40이다. 가장 적절한 치료? a
    A.subQ epi b. aerolized epi c. antihistamine. D. steroid. Iv

    SubQ epinephrine injection이 가장 시급함.

    allergic rhinitis 로 immunotherapy 하다 팔에 antigen 주입 3분후 shock
    가장 적절한 next 처치는?
    Airway and oxygen 투여후 SubQ epinephrine 투여 후 IV line
  • (success)